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_Ashley.. 39.6, Amerika

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 další

hi..!1023! my name is Ashley Tisdale!505! Is me 22 ...!410!I am good,pretty,happy GIRL!!! !562! bye...!1020!..bye!1020!.....BYE!!


Sexuální orientace: -
Velikost poprsí: -
Velikost mužství: -
Pohlaví mám: -
Tetování: -
Piercing mám: -
Zkušenosti: -
Naposledy: -
Trenky/slipy: -
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Oblíbená místa: -
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Lehké úchylky: -

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  1. Registrace: 9. 4. 2009
  2. Poslední aktivita: 2. 4. 2010 22:45
  3. Počet přihlášení: 88

Seznámit se


zobrazit všechny přátelé

  1. Vendelinek159 - i love!11!
  2. KLAUDIE2 - ashley....super girl....
  3. lucietka97 - Ashley Tisdale She is best singer..I Love you
  4. NaTaLiE.T - the best girl!738!!752!
  5. barus55 - wOw!1304!!1304!Ashley i love you!1323!!1004!friend!1107!!1190!
  6. _Ruzovy-Mentalek_ - Ashley_!1354!She..is..._!1179!Good...!166!I...lOVE...Asley...Singls..._!1342!
  7. Stella_Hungens - Ashley..she is best friend my sister... I LIKE YOU very you are best!1223!
  8. Selly..Gummy - good friend!1086!
  9. Kiss..PrinCesS - YOU ARE BIG FAKE nech Ashley na pokoji
  10. DeStInY_HoPe_CyRuS - Ashley much good girl!!
  11. MiMiNkQo - upe exceptional you know why because in high school musical you were a lot of bigheaded but it's only film I know that you are really that different? let you think about what chcou are blbí but you are the best girl no teda to vanessa but you are ok good
  12. V.a.n.e.s.s.a20 - She!878! my!1110! everything!1123! that!1091! my cat !1004! yesterday!1179! and it was!549! the best!1231! than one!1086! hundret!1288! skip!761! the best my friend!1110!!1110! I LOVE YOU!843!!1110!
  13. klarynka.1 - pomalu to nejde ani poznat že je to našviydlovaný!31!!54!
  14. McMedwidek - Ashley.....she is the best artist!11!!1!!5!
  15. xD_SmIlInG_GiRl_xD - ashley,zpěvača,kterou mám ráda,mocinky!1086!
  16. corbin.bleu20 - Oh Ashley supr friend and actress
  17. nikky.cool
  18. m.i.l.e.y-c.y.r.u.s


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